
Barack is Hope


I) Election Victory

Remember, we are on November 4th, media are announcing the victory of Barack Obama which is the first black elected president of the USA. Less than an hour after his victory, half an hour after Mc Cain admit his defeat, Obama faces thousands of supporters in Chicago, Illinois.


Wacth a complete video and text on the distinguished website of the New-York Times :

Barack Obama will leave his statut of president-elected of the United States and become the official President of America on Tuesday January 20th. But between November 4th 2008 and January 2009, he won't have "lazy" days but will have to choose his government, make different speeches, meet people... We've decided in our blog to speak just about a couple days. You can find his complet agenda in details on his website Change. gov

Hard choises and challenges follow triumph
After his victory of historic signifiance, Barack Obama will inherit problems of historic proportions. He must revive an economy experiencing some of the worst shocks in more than half a century. Abroad he has pledged to end the war in Iraq and defeat al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afganistan.

He also promised during his campaign to transform health care, energy and education into a set of legislative priorities for his first two years in office.

Beyond that, he must manage relationships with Democratic leaders and Rebuplicans : Can he, for example fulfill his promise to govern in a unifying and inclusive way ?

Some people still have a lot of skepticism about the effectiveness of his government because we can ask : Will he, as he said, make a real and concrete Change ?

Moreover we can see that Americans have a strong believe in president elected Obama and think that they life will be better . They call him HOPE and the reactions they had on November 4th 2008 at night was unbelievable and nearly worrying for some experts.

Indeed, people were crying on the streets, praying God to thank Him for this victory, the freedom could be seen upon many faces... In the churches of Harlem people were praying : "I'm kneeling and praying because he mustn't be killed !"
So, how will they feel and react if president Barack Obama can't fulfill his promises ? Will they be really disappointed ?
Specialists think that this kind of reactions can maybe be a burdon to Barack Obama and influence his decisions in the future.

Barack Obama's victory wasn't only his victory or an American victory but a victory for the whole world. Every Country in the world shared the joy of the Americans and Barack Obama symbolises Hope for almost all the countries, especially in the Third World Countries, which happiness was stronger than everywhere else.

Extract from : Vocable N°563 from 8th to the 21th january 2009

II) Obama's program : 1.What were his decisions ? How is he going to apply it ?

Foreign Policy : Sweet Dreams

“I said that I would remove our combat troops from Iraq in 16 months, with the understanding that it might be necessary — likely to be necessary — to maintain a residual force to provide potential training, logistical support, to protect our civilians in Iraq,” Mr. Obama said in December as he introduced his national security team. This declaration shows how much the elected president was influenced on his promises. We have no idea of the size of the "residual force" he will left behind. All the incoming plan will be decided between Obama and his National security adviser Richard Danzig, then with the Us military planners and to conclude with the Iraqi government. Today some private projection of the military planners plan to leave between 30,000 and 50,000 American in Iraq even beyond 2011. That could be explained by the fact that Iraqi troops are reliant on the American force in Iraq for training, supplies, logistics, intelligence and transportation for a long time to come. Obama was careful during his campaign by explaining he would only withdraw the combat troops, and leave behind some reserve troops. The more complete version of the piece of advice given to Obama by one of his advisers : http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/04/us/politics/04military.html
The Us objectives in the region is determined by two things : the deep reasons of the war in Afghanistan and the timetable which was decided to reach those goals. The threat which is represented by Al-Qaeda must be prevented and war is an useful way to do it but strengthening the economy and the state of Aghanistan is a long-term objective which won't be reach by a war. That's why the political cooperation with the talibans is important. But linked with the Pakistani problem, it's a more global solution which must be found. The more complete version of the piece of advice given to Obama by another of his advisers and an expert of the region : http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20081001faessay87603-p0/barnett-r-rubin-ahmed-rashid/from-great-game-to-grand-bargain.html

The social and Economic policy : The challenges

The new president of the United States will have to satisfy the expectations of the Americans in terms of living conditions and to respond quickly after the anger Bush leaves behind him. He is head to head with the economic crisis he must resolve whereas he promised during the elections to reduce the inequalities. Next January, the new president and the persons he chose will have an imperative assignment : reconcile America with his political leaders and also with the rest of the world. Indeed George W. Bush isn’t the only one Americans don’t trust in anymore : If less than 30% Americans are satisfied with there president there are even less who are pleased with their senators (18% according to the latest survey). When the president said « trust me , we know where Sadam Hussein’s weapons are hidden », when he said « trust me , we will save New Orlean », when he said « trust me, our economy is safe », Congress didn’t react and let it be, declares Moses Wilson, the leader of the organisation of students supporting Barack Obama in Virginia.

1) Help Wall Street

Paulson Plan was voted at the beginning of October by the American Congress. 700 billions dollars (540 billions euro) will be use to reestablish the trust between the companies and buy back the unpaid credits.
2) Find funds for the banks and the insurance companies Lacking of cash because of the unpaid credits, those institution asked the government for becoming one of their shareholders. They also need stability because of the sinking of the value of their investment in real state.

3) Fight again recession

In the worst economic crisis of the US since 1929, the incoming government will have to keep people buying consumer goods whereas in the same time the offer for credit collaspses so the only way to give people money to spend is to give them a job. That's why Obama planned a "New new deal", which, as the first one, employ people to built new infrastructures. This programs should resolve the thorny problem of the unpaid credit and the uncredible sells of houses but it costs : 85 bilions, will raise the national debt to 80% of the GDP.
4) Fight against inequalities in standard of living.
In order to survive to the recession, companies will contribute to the increase of the unemployment. In october, 157 000 jobs were lost, more than economists expected to. But everybody did not benefit from the lastest years of growth. Since 1974, the median pay in the US increase of only 0,1%. That's why Obama wants to reduce the taxes for 95% of the Americans who won the less, and increase it for the others. In order to fight against unemployment, Obama promises a gift of 3 500 $ for each job created in the Us in the next two years. As 46 milions of americans have no health insurance, Obama also expects from each company to pay his employee one. This is not a gift for health companies which will have to reduce the costs of their medicine which are voluntarily more expensive than in the other developed countries, for the same results.

II) 2. Who Did He Chose for the New Government ? A "POWERHOUSE" around Him

Hilary Clinton
Barack Obama announced on Monday December the first he chose Hillary Clinton, his contender during the elections 2008, to head the Foreign Policy Department. Bill Clinton agreed to spread the list of all his donors to avoid any conflict of interest.
Hillary Clinton has got a lot of assets.
Her 8 years as the First Lady from 1992 to 2000 and her background in the Senate where she sits since 2000, make from her a real figure of the international diplomacy. A must for a country confronted with hard challenges : two wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan, terrorist menaces, and conflicts in Iran and Pakistan.
When the list of the potential secretary of States appears, the name of Hillary Clinton made a lot of positive reactions, the only main obstacle was named Bill.
Since he has left the White House, Bill Clinton continues to be really active . He heads a fundation against AIDS and poverty, makes a lot of conferences... last year he earned 10 millions dollars by doing speeches and conferences, a lot of activities that could interfere with his wife's responsabilities.
Nevertheless he agreed not to interrupt and to reveal the identity of all his donors in the past and in the future (200 000 names) and also to give his schedule in a view of transparency. Indeed the new government must avoid for example that a foreign country gives a generous contribute to Bill Clinton and asks him to press in a friendly way his wife.
For Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton is a worth choice because he can be surrounded by the bests to lead the American policy like he wanted since the beginning.
Also it is better to have the Clintons in his team than against him...

Petroleum addiction
Barack Obama selects a "powerhouse" to struggle against climate changes. He announced on December 15th he chose the Physic Nobel Prize (1997), Steven Chu, to become the secretary to energy. As he promised, he wants to make the environment his priority and wants to create about 2,5 billions jobs related to the environment.
Barack Obama insisted on the fact they have to go over their petrol addiction and to create an hybrid economy.

According to them, concerning the global warming, it is better to take measures regarding the reasons of the disasters than relating to the consequences.

He picked out also three women specialized in the environmental conservation : Carol Browner, Lisa Johnson and Nancy Sutley.

II) 3. First Concrete Actions

President-elected Barack Obama, asked president Georges Bush for an instantanious assistance concerning the American automobile .
Georges Bush met Barack Obama in the White House Monday November 11th and they talked for about 2 hours.
Michel Obama was also here and she visited the house with Laura Bush.
Piece of information from the New York Times : Mr. Bush said he was going to help and take pump priming only if Barack Obama agrees to object to the free trade agreement with Colombia. But Obama doesn’t seem to be ready to suppress this agreement so for now the government directed by George W . Bush isn’t really going to let the automobile companies benefit from Paulson Plan. But this is a real problem because Rick Wagoner, the leader from general Motors declared that he wasn’t going to have enough fluid assets for the beginning of 2009. Also the two other companies Ford and Chrysler are concerned. But the situation didn’t improve after the meeting. As a consequence Tuesday December 2th , the Big Three asked Barack Obama for a loan of 34 billions dollars to avoid the bankruptcy.

On Thanksgiving Day

The president elected Barak Obama went to a school in South Side in Chicago to speak with children on Thanksgiving -the holiday of action of grace- Thursday November 27th.
He declared in an interview: "We can create a flourish in our country" and also that in this week end, the American can say thank you for coming better days of a single heart and a single voice. He gave also his wishes to the American army working in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Here you can see more about Obama's Thanksgiving

III) The heart of his Campaign : 1.How did he manage to go this far ?

Joe Trippi a Democratic strategist who first helped integrate the Internet into campaigning four years ago, said about Obama : "He's going to be the first president to be connected in this way, directly, with millions of Americans." A list of 10 milions e-mail adresses are an enourmous database which seems to be useful as 3.1 milions of those supporters donated money to his campain. This crowd of volonteer plug the senator to friends and neighbors and on the election day they help for the get-out-the-vote operation, which help people to cast their vote by baby-sit their kinds. Those precious allies were not abandonned the day after the election.

Barak Obama sign onto the internet the official website of the president-elected. This website is dedicated to the period from his election on November 4th 2008 to January 20th 2009, and will be disconnected then. Like his website during the campain, Change.gov to continue to canvass Internet users. In the category "an American moment", citizens can speak about their view concerning the future of the country and also about their own experience and feelings during the campain. Every visitor is asking to give his ideas about the main challenges of the country they can found on the "agenda". For example, the economic crisis or the war in Irak.

After a couple years of campaign, Barack Obama has been elected by the population of the USA. But why would this election be so interesting to focus on?

Why Barack Obama has become a such famous candidat?

Why is he still so much popular? After all, we need to remember that Barack Obama is a democrat who supports the liberal system which is based on a program with disparities. Economically, he wants to make decisions which are similar to those of his predecessors. Politically, he is a demagogue, as most of the politicians. It is the symbolic view which it is necessary to observe. Indeed, the vote of people is interesting because it shows that people have trusted him in spite of his colour skin and the current crisis. We can say that Obama is popular thanks to the support of his community. He will meet fewer oppositions in his decisions because an important part of his social program consists in a better access in care and health. Because of his popularity, Barack Obama will be more free to make cross his laws.

But it is necessary to be careful.

Indeed, people think that thanks to Obama's election, the world is going to change, in particular the wars and the financial crisis. But it is necessary to remain the reality, a man, even the president of the USA, cannot change a whole system and the world even if his influence is important. But it is true that Bush had an imperialist policy whereas Obama guarantees the peace. It makes a real difference because he is the only one who is going to return the USA its image of an increasing and powerful country in the world eyes, by the election of a black president, and in the acts, by the program elaborated by Obama. Even if his all program is not realized, it exists at least and it shows that the USA can have positive ambitions and change mind.

Barack Obama lead his campaign in a very marketing context.

Indeed, there were many by-products which influenced people with a lot of badges, T-shirts.. The media were also very present during the elections and were for the most part on Obama's behalf.

We could see positive images of Obama on TV, hear his speeches on the radio, read the good parts of his program in the newspapers. The media supported Obama and this behaviour had an big impact in the votes! We also noticed that the stars of cinema, sport or music supported the vote for Obama and showed it as often as possible with songs . Here two songs, the first one Vote for Hope

The French president Sarkozy also supported the future president in his campaign .

His skin colour also made a lot of noise and made him popular.

At the beginning of the campain newspapers weren't entitled : "Barack Obama an interesting program for the next years", but we could see everywhere : "Will America have a black president" or "Are the Americans ready for a Black in the White House ?" Nevertheless the American said that the colour of his skin didn't ifluenced them: "We appreciate a man for what he is, and what he does; certainly not for his skin colour, his roots or what his private beliefs !!!

You believe that this country elected a Black president ? You've made a mistake : we chose between two politics !"

Finally, his family was very important in his campaign because it showed that he was above all a father and a husband of a simple and close family. Obama lead his campaign by showing his originality and his simplicity: he showed people he has the same values as them and also that American can believe in him. Moreover he didn't introduce himself has a Blackman going to defend black people and the Blaks interests but he spoke to America and every single person of the United States. Nevertheless some people felt that the candidates didn't pay enough attention to them like some Indians in faraway reservations.

III) 2. How Did The World React ?

From Berouth to Beijing, the election of the 44th president of the United States has been followed with a lot of attention. A victory which concern the entire world.
4th November, 23hours:
Edouardo sitting in a bar the "Memphis" watching televison...
"Whites people praising a Black man, I can't believe I would see this one day ! With him, it's going to change! Moreover his vice president his catholic!" The Memphis is dreaming: "With Obama Americans will stop to make wars, try to end with their savage capitalism...For the Venezuela it's time to be peaceful, this president Chavez who said that! But president Lula said even better, a world which elect a worker in Brazil, a bishop in Paraguay, an Indian in Bolivia, a woman in Argentina and tonight a Black president in the United States, is really going better !"
5th November , 1 a.m :
It's shooting everywhere. In a camp for refugees in Nousseirat, Ibrahim and Abdel, two students are zapping on tv: "We are waiting for Obama, we are expecting him to stop what is happening outside. For 8 years, we have only known the language of violence. Obama is going to help with new agrements and save our lives.
5th November, 8 a.m :
At the University Patrice-Lumumba...
"Wonderful", says a young student, "For Black people, the situation is really hard in Russia. I'm sure that Obama's victory will change mentalities
5th November, 10 a.m :
"Obama always said he was going to pursue Al-Qaidaand terrorits in our lands. But the American war in Afganistan, it's now here it's going to take place ! This 5th November really is a bad day for Pakistan!"
5th November, 11.30 a.m:
"This is a good news, a black president in this racist land! A good slap in the face of all these bastards from extrem-right who shoot immigrants when they arrive at the frontier! "
5th November 1 p.m:
"Change? Your're kidding me ? America is only interested in petroleum and they are going to do everything to have it ! The next president will be the same: once he has the power, he will do like the others !"

Racism Is Ba(ra)ck !

Racist incidents are increasing since the election of Barack Obama. A report from the Southern Law Poverty Center, an institute which studies this kind of phenomena, shows that hundreds of accidents happened since November 4th. It is mostly in the South, in the States that used to be very segregated, that it has really been on the increase : High school students singing « Kill Obama ! » in the school buses, burnt crosses laid down in the gardens of Barack Obama’s supporters, dolls embodying Obama hanged from the trees next to racist graffiti… The election of the first Black president of the United States doesn’t pleased everybody and experts notice that more and more people are surfing on websites advocating the Whites supremacy like StormFront whose server broke down just after the election because they were to many peopleon it . But we don’t have accurate statistics about the number of accidents since November 4th. According to Mark Potok, headmaster of the Southern Poverty Law Center, we are facing a serious « backlash » among the White community. He thinks that the accidents have started during the speech of Sarah Palin when some « Kill Him ! » were heard in the crowd. For Mr Potok the rise of the accidents is due to several factors : The rise of immigration which isn’t White ( the new estimate of the U.S Census Bureau (People Quikfacts) shows that White people may have a minority position in the U.S in 2040 . The increase of the unemployement. People think that with a black person living in the White House they have lost what their ancestors built. But this rise isn’t without precedent according to Mr Levin, indeed everytime the relationship between communities improves in the United States, there is always a « backlash », like the the Ku Klux Klan which fought back after the abolition of slavery. For the racists Barack Obama is just like an « Antichrist », insists Mr Levin.

III) 3. What About The Church ?

First conversation between Barack Obama and Benoît XVI

The president-elected phoned Tuesday November 11th the Pope to thank him for his support. Last November 5th, the Pope sent Barack Obama a telegram to bless him for is election and promised to pray God in order to ask Him if he could give aid to Obama towards his responsabilities for the country and the international community. In the aftermath of the elections, the Italian press wondered about the behaviour of the Pope towards president-elected Barack Obama. Indeed the new president was in favour of the laws allowing abortion and also of the homosexual wedding . Barack Obama will maybe object to a decision from George W. Bush forbidding researsh concerning embryos too. The US bishops are afraid the new government and the Congress directed by Democrat will make easier the abortion in the United States. In their Declaration during the meeting in Baltimore, they expressed their will to work with a new governing , especially in terms of economic justice , immigration , health care programs, education, religious freedom and peace.

III) 4. And Now ? How to finance the opening ceremony ?

It was one of his promises : Total transparency about his funds. Indeed Barack Obama published on the Internet (website : pic2009.org /donors) the name of all the donors who took part in the financing of the Inauguration ceremony, on the contrary of his predecessors who kept the list secret. The donors are, for the most part, Hollywood stars and leaders from the New Technology Industry.Barack Obama refused to take money from any company, politic organisation or lobby which don’t have the American citizenship. The list includes : Steven Spielberg and his wife who each gave 50.000 dollars, the maximum sum it was allowed to give per person.The actors Hall Berry, the first black woman to receive an Oscar in Hollywood,Sharon Stone and Jamie Foxx, gave also 50.000 dollars. But the Giants of the New technology also participated like Eric Smidt the the leader of Google who gave 25.000 dollars or Steve Ballmer from Microsoft who gave 50.000 dollars like his wife Connie. This funds will be used to organize a lot of balls and other prestigious events around January the twentieth. Lots of stars will attend to the ceremony : Like this, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Amadou and Mariam, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Leona Lewis or Will Smith will come to sing this night to « Feeding America » profit, a fundation working for helping the more penniless. Next January 20th will be an historic night, where America will change face and where generosity and hope will be the main values
Robin, Lorelai, Clémentine.Thank you for reading...
To definitely close our work, we have add two videos we've found on the net :
"Any Given Tuesday in Brooklyn"
The first speech of Obama as President of the United States of America.
The chosen video resume the period we studied. They show where the adventure began and where the dream became true.