Joe Trippi a Democratic strategist who first helped integrate the Internet into campaigning four years ago, said about Obama : "He's going to be the first president to be connected in this way, directly, with millions of Americans." A list of 10 milions e-mail adresses are an enourmous database which seems to be useful as 3.1 milions of those supporters donated money to his campain. This crowd of volonteer plug the senator to friends and neighbors and on the election day they help for the get-out-the-vote operation, which help people to cast their vote by baby-sit their kinds. Those precious allies were not abandonned the day after the election.
Barak Obama sign onto the internet the official website of the president-elected. This website is dedicated to the period from his election on November 4th 2008 to January 20th 2009, and will be disconnected then. Like his website during the campain, to continue to canvass Internet users. In the category "an American moment", citizens can speak about their view concerning the future of the country and also about their own experience and feelings during the campain. Every visitor is asking to give his ideas about the main challenges of the country they can found on the "agenda". For example, the economic crisis or the war in Irak.
After a couple years of campaign, Barack Obama has been elected by the population of the USA. But why would this election be so interesting to focus on?
Why Barack Obama has become a such famous candidat?
Why is he still so much popular? After all, we need to remember that Barack Obama is a democrat who supports the liberal system which is based on a program with disparities. Economically, he wants to make decisions which are similar to those of his predecessors. Politically, he is a demagogue, as most of the politicians. It is the symbolic view which it is necessary to observe. Indeed, the vote of people is interesting because it shows that people have trusted him in spite of his colour skin and the current crisis. We can say that Obama is popular thanks to the support of his community. He will meet fewer oppositions in his decisions because an important part of his social program consists in a better access in care and health. Because of his popularity, Barack Obama will be more free to make cross his laws.
But it is necessary to be careful.
Indeed, people think that thanks to Obama's election, the world is going to change, in particular the wars and the financial crisis. But it is necessary to remain the reality, a man, even the president of the USA, cannot change a whole system and the world even if his influence is important. But it is true that Bush had an imperialist policy whereas Obama guarantees the peace. It makes a real difference because he is the only one who is going to return the USA its image of an increasing and powerful country in the world eyes, by the election of a black president, and in the acts, by the program elaborated by Obama. Even if his all program is not realized, it exists at least and it shows that the USA can have positive ambitions and change mind.
Barack Obama lead his campaign in a very marketing context.
Indeed, there were many by-products which influenced people with a lot of badges, T-shirts.. The media were also very present during the elections and were for the most part on Obama's behalf.
We could see positive images of Obama on TV, hear his speeches on the radio, read the good parts of his program in the newspapers. The media supported Obama and this behaviour had an big impact in the votes! We also noticed that the stars of cinema, sport or music supported the vote for Obama and showed it as often as possible with songs . Here two songs, the first one Vote for Hope
The French president Sarkozy also supported the future president in his campaign .
His skin colour also made a lot of noise and made him popular.
At the beginning of the campain newspapers weren't entitled : "Barack Obama an interesting program for the next years", but we could see everywhere : "Will America have a black president" or "Are the Americans ready for a Black in the White House ?" Nevertheless the American said that the colour of his skin didn't ifluenced them: "We appreciate a man for what he is, and what he does; certainly not for his skin colour, his roots or what his private beliefs !!!
You believe that this country elected a Black president ? You've made a mistake : we chose between two politics !"
Finally, his family was very important in his campaign because it showed that he was above all a father and a husband of a simple and close family. Obama lead his campaign by showing his originality and his simplicity: he showed people he has the same values as them and also that American can believe in him. Moreover he didn't introduce himself has a Blackman going to defend black people and the Blaks interests but he spoke to America and every single person of the United States. Nevertheless some people felt that the candidates didn't pay enough attention to them like some Indians in faraway reservations.
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