
Barack is Hope


III) 3. What About The Church ?

First conversation between Barack Obama and Benoît XVI

The president-elected phoned Tuesday November 11th the Pope to thank him for his support. Last November 5th, the Pope sent Barack Obama a telegram to bless him for is election and promised to pray God in order to ask Him if he could give aid to Obama towards his responsabilities for the country and the international community. In the aftermath of the elections, the Italian press wondered about the behaviour of the Pope towards president-elected Barack Obama. Indeed the new president was in favour of the laws allowing abortion and also of the homosexual wedding . Barack Obama will maybe object to a decision from George W. Bush forbidding researsh concerning embryos too. The US bishops are afraid the new government and the Congress directed by Democrat will make easier the abortion in the United States. In their Declaration during the meeting in Baltimore, they expressed their will to work with a new governing , especially in terms of economic justice , immigration , health care programs, education, religious freedom and peace.

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